YAE Members Samantha Bollinger (L) and Ryan Pope (C) with Randi Norman (R) in 2023 Production of The Crucible.

YAE Member Adeline Richardson (front) with Kaylee Tupper MIller (back) in our 2023 Production of Star Stuff

YAE Member Ellen Russell (R) with Jadon Milne (C) and Sofia Pickford deal with costuming for the 2023 Production of The Crucible.

YAE Member Stella Duncan (back) with Kelsey Lopez (front) in our 2024 Production of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown.
Young Artists' Ensemble
Apprentice Company

Eve Anton
Sofia Acebedo Ciro
Samantha Bollinger
Parker Bowes
Zach Barrera

Kylan Cotton
Audrey Daniels
Stella Duncan
Atticus Failes
Grace Grammig

Julia Grammig
Oliver Kokai-Means
Lilyanna Meyer
Jules Narvarte
Gustavo Perez

Yara Perez
Ryan Pope
Rio Ricardo
Adeline Richardson
Ellen Russell

Julianna Spataro
Amelia Smith
Skye Stockard
Ashlin Sullivan
Noah Zimmerman

YAE Members Grace Grammig (L) and Adeline Richardson (R) with Megan Merritt (front) during a rehearsal our 2024 Production of She Kills Monsters

YAE Member Atticus Failes serves as ASM a Light Board Op during our 2022 Production of The Lightning Thief: The Musical.

YAE Members Julianna Spataro (L), Grace Gramming (R) and Eve Anton (Far R) with Noa Freedman (C) in our 2023 Production of The Crucible.

The Cast of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown including YAE Members Stella Duncan (L 2nd row), Gustavo Perez (Top C) and Lilyanna Meyer (Far R 1st row).
ThinkTank Theatre's
Young Artists’ Ensemble Apprentice Company!
Our YAE Company is a group of high school students from around the Tampa Bay Area who serve ThinkTank in an internship-like capacity. YAE Company Members have the opportunity to rehearse, understudy, perform, direct, design, stage manage and so much more alongside those theatre professionals employed in ThinkTank’s Mainstage Productions.
There are many incredible experiences that come with being part of the YAE Company, but the most significant is gaining a network of theatre professionals available to mentor these young artists as they venture from high school to beyond.
Looking for Information about our auditions/interviews for our 2025/2026 YAE Apprentice Company?
Also if you're not already on our mailing list, please subscribe and follow us on Facebook - ThinkTank Theatre
and Instgram - @ThinkTankTYA
Goofing Off and having a Good Time!

Hanging out backstage during our 2023 Production of The Crucible.

YAE Member Eve Anton during fight call on the Friday the 13th performance of
The Crucible

YAE Member Adeline Richardson (L) and Sofia Pickford prep for their Evil Succubi scene in our 2024 Production of She Kills Monsters.

YAE Members Ashlin Sullivan (L), Stella Duncan (CL), Yara Perez (CR) and Lilyanna Meyer (R) goofing off backstage before the understudy performance of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown.